


What is more beautiful than visiting exciting and interesting new places, where the nature is so wonderful, that is impossible to describe it with words? What is more beautiful than vacations, where you can stare at colorful sunrises and sunsets? What is more beautiful then people, who give you the best smile you can possible imagine? What is more beautiful than pets, who make your day over and over again? All this and much more are the reasons, why I became videographer. Catching these moments with my camera is the best feeling, I know.

Since I began shooting footage has changed a lot. I always try to follow current trends in film and advertising industry, so I recently started to shoot footage in 8K resolution.

Because I don't want to be too long, I let my showreels speek for themselves.



Simon Škafar

Creativ Video Production

Contact Me


Do you like my showreels? Do you have any questions? Or do you just want to say hello? I encourage curiosity, so feel free to write me and I will get in touch as soon as possible!

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